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How to get a DOH Verified Covid-19 Vaccination Certificate

First thing first! Are you fully vaccinated? If the answer is NO? Blimey, you need to get vaccinated. By doing so, it means you are helping the fight against Covid-19.

Of course, we want to go back to where we used to be. We want to go back to normal and vaccination is the only way.

Don't be an idiot (lol) by believing in those urban legends that vaccine doesn't help. Or it will turn you into a zombie (lol) after two (and they have set a timeline, double lol) years. Or for being inoculated will alter your body and that you will die soon. Or vaccine is a lie because there are still a lot of people who got Covid or are still infected with Covid-19 after being vaccinated.

Oh how idiot can really get (lol). Big NO. Vaccine does not give you an invisible shield that would prevent you from getting infected. Who are you thinking, the Invisible Woman? Lol.

Vaccine was created because experts are all in agreement that a virus cannot be stopped from spreading or from infection. Now, if it cannot be stopped from spreading then what is the best way to fight it.

Vaccine will give you some sort of immunity. Yes - some sort. Because when you say you have the 'immunity' that's means you are an exemption. In vaccine, the reason I have said - some sort of immunity because once you will be infected. The effect won't be as severe unlike for the unvaccinated.

Take this for example. If you are unvaccinated and you will get infected - the effect could be serious and if you have weak immune system you will eventually DIE. For vaccinated people, the effect is atleast lessen depending on the efficacy of the vaccine. Like in Pfizer with an initial efficacy of 92%. That means when you have been infected with a Covid-19 you are 92% chances of getting cured unlike for unvaccinated with a Zero (0) % probabilty. Lol.

Now, if you want to insist why there are still people ended up dying after vaccinated. Well, the vaccine only assumes you have only infected by a Covid-19, but if you have any other pre-existing deseases that trigger to deteriorates your system then that's another story.

Oh my gosh. I just want to tell you where to get a vaccine certificate verified by the DOH. I'm not here to lecture you. I sweare. Lol.

Today, traveling anywhere is a pain in the ass with these new travel requirements like the RT-PCR, a Vaccine Certificate among others.

So a Vaccine Certificate is now the new passport. Other countries are strict about this requirements some even don't accept a vaccine certificate issued by our local government (LGU). Hong Kong for example.

That's why the Department of Health came up with a process to standardize the Vaccine Certificate issuance. Meaning all Vaccine Certificate should be verified and Certified by the DOH. This is to ensure your Vaccine Certificate is issued by an authority.

Now, if you are fully vaccinated. Have plans of traveling soon. I encourage you to get one your self.

Of course, I have a video for you. HOW? Check the video below.



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