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Ang Alamat ng Saging

The legend of banana.

In a small town there lives a man named Aging. His hand is so beautiful and radiant.

He works for a rich man called Don Felipe. One day he was sent to serve for a young woman whom Don Felipe liked. To hide and keep her company in a secluded place where no people could see her.

The young woman is Juana. Juana was kind to Aging and eventually, she seemed to have fallen for the young man and so does Aging.

Video credit to GMA Networks

When Juana's father finds out about their romance. He was furious at Aging because he wants Juana to marry Don Felipe so she can become a princess. He accused Aging from stealing. Stealing of Juana's heart and stealing her dreams to become a princess. Out of anger he reported to Don Felipe.

Don Felipe couldn't believe what Aging had done so he punished him by cutting off his hands. Aging couldn't do anything leaves the town but he promises that his love for Juana will be marked and people will see it.

Juana buried the remains of Aging's fingers in front of their yard and wished she had something to remind her of Aging.

The next day as she looked out the window she noticed the strange plant near where she had buried Aging's hands. She quickly went out and was amazed to see that the plant bore a fruit resembles a golden finger. And she remembers the beautiful hands of Aging and their love.

It was the plant that Aging referred to when he said he will leave a mark to prove his genuine love for Juana.

Today the fruit is called Saging (banana) in memory of Aging.


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