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Randomness. Lifestyle & hobbies. Food & cravings. Travel & leisure. Top trending topics. Alamat stories And then some!

A memoir should have some uplifting quality, inspiring or illuminating, and that's what separates a life story that can influence other people.  - Mitch Albom

First of all welcome to my newly renovated blog. I call it Mga Kwentong Ma Alamat.  The truth of the matter, I left this blog idle for years. Well, there is so much going on in real life (lol) that I forgot about blogging.  But then again I realized, this is supposed to be a chronicle of my legendary journey - why stop now?


Time will come, I'll revisit this blog for some memory lane moments. I mean we are all getting old and all.


Ooops, I am stopping here before I go further oh I can go on and on and on, like that for ages lol. So yeah, I hope you enjoy reading, or at least I have made your visit worth (fat chance, lol).
Yeah, and why there are Alamat stories? Well, I cannot blame you for that. That's the same question I'm asking myself. Lol. For obvious reason, this is supposed to be a personal blog of my extra-ordinary (hence, ma-Alamat, lol) misadventures.
Well, we can put it this way, I wanted this blog to be associated or to be referenced as Alamat, you know - that thing called for the sake of SEO rankings. LOL
Besides, I love children. In fact, in my other segment - the ARK (Act of Random Kindness) most of my subjects are kids. So why not - coconut. Also, I hear children having a hard time looking for some Alamat stories for their school homework. Most of the Alamat stories here are in Tagalog, so I have to post it in English. So they have the option - and voila, copy and paste. LOL.
Btw, my favorite word is LOL. Nuff said! :)

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